
Data Breach & Cybercrime News

At KP Law, our expert data breach lawyers keep you up to date and informed with all the latest data breach and cybercrime news.

equiniti police
Employer Data

The emotional impact of the PFEW data breach should not be underestimated

The emotional impact of the PFEW data breach should not be underestimated. We all know the impact that theft can have on a person. Following a burglary, people often feel shock, anger, fear, helplessness, and panic. These feelings might develop immediately or be experienced much later. Cybercriminals are committing theft when they steal personal data, so it is understandable that some people feel upset; particularly as the PFEW effectively gave the burglar the keys.

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The real-life impact of a data breach

If you are the victim of a data breach, the experience can be devastating. And while most personal data breaches are caused by simple human mistakes rather than cybercriminals hacking huge organisations, that doesn’t mean the consequences are not far reaching.

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data breach claims image

HMRC data breaches affect more than 3,000 individuals

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) reported 17 data breaches to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) over a 15-month period. That’s an average of more than one data protection failure a month. In total, more than 3,000 people could have had their data compromised by HMRC between January 2020 and March 2021.

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Employer Data

A quick guide to claiming PFEW data breach compensation

Are you, or have you recently been, a police officer in England & Wales? If so, you could be owned significant data breach compensation following a 2019 Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) data breach. In this handy guide, our data protection experts set out everything you need to know about making a PFEW data breach compensation claim.

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law courts

Ways to get data breach compensation and justice

Did you know that there are different ways to seek justice after a data breach? Our expert solicitors look at the various means you can use to make a compensation claim and hold the guilty party to account following a data privacy violation.

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lady justice London

How important is Googles’ Supreme Court appeal win?

A data protection case against Google (Lloyd vs Google) has resulted in disappointing news for individuals and their data privacy rights. The legal action, which relates to events that took place nearly a decade ago, could impact some current data breach actions. However, the decision might not be as challenging for data breach victims as some might think.

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Face recognition software on a street of people

Location data firm breaches data protection obligations

Huq, a location data company has experienced a data protection failure. The firm which uses location data from an individual’s phone before selling it on, has admitted that some people’s location information was gained without seeking user consent. This is a breach of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

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