
KP Law Data Breach Solicitors

Expert Data Breach, Cybercrime & Data Privacy Lawyers

Start your no-win, no-fee claim, and get the justice you deserve.

Search for a case to join a group action.


A Group Action Law Firm

KP Law has one of the most experienced data breach teams in the UK. And because we also possess significant multi-claimant experience, this is a formidable combination when it comes to taking on big players and complicated group actions.

If you are a victim of a data protection breach, check out our current group actions to see if we are running a claim related to that specific breach. 

If you cannot find a group action for the mass data breach you are involved in, please contact us and tell us about it! Where enough people come forward, we may launch a new claim.

We do not take on individual cases.

Featured Group Actions

How we help you...

Our expert lawyers help people to come together and make a wide range of Privacy and GDPR group action claims after a data protection breach. 

Data breaches caused by human error

As a direct result of admin errors and poor data security processes, privacy violations are causing considerable distress, upset, embarrassment and harm. The consequences of these errors are often far-reaching, and you have a legal right to hold the guilty party to account. 

Data breaches caused by cybercrime

Too many companies fall short when it comes to data security. This makes it easier for criminals to exploit your data. We help people make successful cybercrime claims against companies that have failed in their data protection responsibilities.

Technology privacy violations & abuses

The ugly truth is that big companies are collecting and misusing personal data in many different ways. But you can claim compensation if a company has breached your data protection or privacy rights. 

Cryptocurrency/NFT breaches

Even if you get your money back, the impact of cryptocurrency breach can be devastating. At KP Law, our cybercrime experts help to recover losses where crypto/NFT fraud can be linked to a data breach or hack. 

Has your data been breached?

Our team of experts is dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring those responsible are held accountable. From start to finish we’ll guide you through the process and help you get the compensation you deserve. 

We help you to make data protection claims for breaches of:

At KP Law, our expert data breach solicitors work for you on a no-win, no-fee basis. This means, if your claim is not successful, you don't pay a penny towards your case.

About KP Law

Combining legal expertise with experience handling large cases, KP Law represents our clients passionately and diligently.

Our solicitors have an enviable reputation in multi-claimant data breach and protection law. And, with a team of data protection experts led by Kingsley Hayes – arguably the UK’s foremost data breach solicitor – and considerable multi-claimant expertise, it’s easy to see why.

At KP Law, our team has the passion, skill, persistence, and resources to fight your corner and win.

What is a data breach?

Many high-profile data breaches happen when cybercriminals hack and access an organisations’ systems. But this is not always the case.


A cyberattack happens when criminals illegally access an organisation’s data, for example, by hacking or ransomware. Finding out that criminals have stolen your data can be extremely distressing. Furthermore, following a cyberattack, stolen data is often found for sale on the dark web, so different criminals might try to use your data to commit further crimes against you.

Human error

Cybercrime might be big news, but in most instances, data breaches are the result of human error rather than criminal activity. And, for those involved, the experience can be devastating. The consequences of these errors are often far-reaching, and you have a legal right to hold the guilty party to account. 

Regardless of the cause of the data breach – be it human error or cybercrime - in almost all cases, poor information security and inadequate or out-of-date processes made the data breach possible.

Why claim data protection breach compensation?

Hold organisations to account for failing to protect your private information.

Receive financial compensation for your losses.

Force organisations to implement better data security.

What can you claim data breach compensation for?

Each data breach case is different, and as your data protection lawyers, we always look at the full and possible long-term impact of a breach when compiling your claim. However, there are some things we always look for when claiming data breach compensation.

Financial loss

With your stolen data, criminals might make purchases using your bank/credit cards, apply for credit in your name, access your existing online accounts (e.g. bank, PayPal etc.) or even set up illegal bank accounts in your name.

You are entitled to claim for any losses you can link directly to the breach of data.

Psychological distress

A data breach can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health. Following a violation, it is not uncommon for victims to be diagnosed with stress and other psychological conditions. Likewise, a data breach can exacerbate any existing mental health illnesses.

As a direct result of privacy violations, we have seen people experience stress, fear, anxiety attacks and trauma. Some victims require medication to help them deal with the psychological effects of a breach of trust. Relationships with loved ones can also suffer.

Loss of privacy

Personal data has value – there is a reason it is commonly found for sale on the dark web after a data breach. So, we must hold organisations to account if they fail to protect our right to data privacy.

How does the claim process work?

Sign up to a group action*

If we think you have a claim, we will request documents we can use as evidence

Our team will process your claim and keep in touch throughout

If successful, compensation will be paid direct to your bank

*If we don’t have a relevant group action for you to join, tell us about the mass data breach you are involved in. We’ll investigate your case to see if we can launch a new group action.  We do not take on individual cases. 

Data Breach, GDPR & Cybercrime Group Actions

Our team will get the results you deserve

At KP Law, our expert data protection lawyers have all the legal expertise needed to take on corporate giants and large organisations and win. In addition to our own legal know-how, we also work with expert barristers to help us win our group action cases. 

Click on a link below to find out more about any particular KP Law group action. 

Why choose KP Law?

No-win, no-fee data breach solicitors

If an organisation fails to protect your personal and private information, you deserve justice. But concerns about the cost of claiming can stop people from appointing an expert data breach solicitor, and getting the professional legal advice they need.

The KP Law data breach solicitors work for you on a no-win, no-fee basis to ensure you get the expert legal representation you need following a privacy violation. So, if your claim is unsuccessful, you won’t pay a penny towards your case.

Man sitting on sofa with laptop

Hassle-free data breach claims

At KP Law, we provide efficient, no-nonsense legal services to our clients. We do this by combining the latest technology and a highly trained legal team. But we don’t underestimate the importance of a personal touch, and there is always a UK-based data breach expert at the end of the phone should you need to talk to us.

This commitment to service excellence means we lead the way when delivering client care. Enquiries are dealt with sooner, cases are more thoroughly reviewed, you are never left chasing us for an update, and, of course, we get you the maximum compensation possible.

Your GDPR rights

Cases we handle

At KP Law, we are multi-claimant specialists. This means we help groups of people to make a joint compensation claim (otherwise known as a group action or class action) when an organisation has not looked after their personal information correctly.

For example, in 2021, the British Airway’s data breach case was resolved on confidential terms following successful mediation and negotiation. We represented many clients in this case. 

You can find out more about our successes and see a selection of our settled cases here. 

British Airways Group Action

Recent awards, shortlistings, and listings

KP Law has some of the most skilled consumer-rights lawyers in England and Wales. Here are just some of our success stories.

Why do you need expert data breach solicitors?

When making a GDPR/data protection compensation claim, a lack of care or understanding of the law can leave data breach victims open to inferior advice and representation. This could see them lose out financially as a result.

At KP Law, we believe that the best way to make big companies pay for their GDPR failures is to use specialist data breach solicitors. However, with data protection law a relatively new field, it can be tricky to find data breach solicitors with proven experience in this area.

At KP Law, our data breach solicitors are true experts in GDPR law.

At KP Law, our expert data breach solicitors help our clients get the compensation they deserve following data protection breaches, cybercrime, and other GDPR offences. We know what it talks to make a successful data protection claim and we have all the legal expertise and resources needed to take on big players such as Ticketmaster, BA, EasyJet, and Equifax (amongst others). So, if you appoint KP Law, our data breach solicitors will give you the best chance of success.

In some cases, where a data breach occurs, you will not be the only victim. In these instances, you might be able to join a group action claim. With strength in numbers, a group action increases the chances of success for all the claimants. At KP Law, we have all the expertise and resources needed to stand up to the corporate giants via group actions. And our data breach solicitors do not just even the score – we take the fight to them.

Our expert data breach solicitors help people make successful data breach claims after the theft, loss, or misuse of their personal information. Each data breach case is different, but as your data breach solicitors, we always look at the full and possible long-term impact of a breach when compiling your claim. This means we get you the maximum compensation possible.

Are you part of a GDPR violation or data breach group action but unhappy with your representation?

Large organisations are smarter and better resourced than ever before when it comes to legal support. And it can be difficult for some law firms to stand up to such strength when representing clients after a data breach or other GDPR violation.

At KP Law, our data protection team has the legal expertise and resources necessary to take on the corporate giants. We have helped thousands of multi-claimant and group action GDPR breach clients, and we can do the same for you.
If you are part of a group data breach with another firm, and you would like to know more about switching to KP Law, contact us today.

Data breach frequently asked questions

As data privacy violations continue to rise, so do data breach compensation claims. Nevertheless, some people still think that making a GDPR compensation claim is opportunist. With data breaches causing suffering and distress to people across the UK, this could not be further from the truth.

Of course, if you lose out financially after a data breach, you must get back what you are owed. But what many people do not understand is that the emotional impact on victims can be just as devastating.

Downplaying the impact of a data breach compensation claim is disrespectful to the victims.  Furthermore, the amount of information we share with organisations leaves us all open to the threat of financial and identity fraud if this falls into the wrong hands. So, organisations must be held to account if they fail to protect our personal data as they are required to do so by law.

Claiming compensation can help victims get the justice they deserve. But more than that, it could also force organisations to take data protection seriously and implement more secure processes.

Victims of data breaches often become the target of cybercriminals. So, following a privacy violation, before you do anything else, it is essential to take steps to keep yourself safe.

As well as following any security instructions provided by the organisation that breached your data, we have provided some top tips to prevent the impact of a data breach from escalating.

There are no set amounts awarded for a data breach claim. If you go to court, the judge will consider all the circumstances, including the seriousness of the breach and the impact on you. However, it is important that your data breach solicitor knows what to claim for. Inexperienced solicitors might not understand the full and lasting impact a data breach can have on a person.

Each case is judged on its own merits, but there are some things to consider when claiming compensation for a data breach.



Financial Losses

With stolen personal data, criminals can buy things using your bank and credit cards, apply for credit in your name, set up illegal bank accounts and log in to your existing online account.

What this might involve:

Any money lost (e.g. if a criminal made a purchase using your bank card or stole funds from your account).

Any loss of earnings as a direct result of the breach (e.g. if you needed time off work or lost your job because of the impact of the breach).

The loss of future earnings (e.g. if you had to drop out of university).

Any expenses that you had to pay because of the data breach (e.g. private medical care, travel expenses, accommodation, etc.).



A data breach can have a considerable impact on you, both mentally and physically. It is not unusual for a data breach to cause or exacerbate anxiety, stress, and other psychological conditions.

What this might involve:

Stress, worry, and anxiety.

Any recognised psychological injury.

The effect that the leak had on your social and home life.


Loss of privacy

Your data is valuable, and organisations must be held to account if they do not uphold their data protection responsibilities towards you.

What this might involve:

The loss of privacy itself.

Anyone who has had their personal information put at risk by an organisation might be able to make a data breach compensation claim.

Under GDPR, organisations who experience a data breach that is likely to affect the rights and freedoms of those involved must inform these people without undue delay. So, if you are a data breach victim, you should be contacted by the offending organisation to let you know.

However, this does not always happen. As such, it is worth keeping an eye out to see if your information is at risk. There are online tools that can help you to do this such as https://haveibeenpwned.com/

Furthermore, if you suspect a particular breach might have exposed your personally identifiable information (PII), you have the right to ask the offending party to confirm whether your suspicions are correct. This is called making a Subject Access Request.

In some cases, where a data breach occurs, you will not be the only victim. In these instances, you might be able to join a group action claim. Because there is strength in numbers, a group action (also called a class action or multi-party action) helps to even the playing field between large organisations and individual claimants. So, a group action usually makes a big organisation take the matter more seriously. This increases the chances of success for the claimants.

If you are a victim of a data breach, check out our current group actions below to see if we are running a claim related to that specific breach.

If the action you want to join is not listed, please tell us about it! Where enough people come forward, we may launch a new claim.


Personal data is any information about a person that could be used to identify them, either on its own or in combination with other information. For example, a name, email address or even an IP address.

Personal data also includes extremely sensitive information such as medical records, details about a person’s political or religious leanings, and criminal convictions.

To avoid falling foul of data protection rules, organisations MUST tell you if they have breached your personal data “without undue delay”. However, in reality, this does not always happen.

If you suspect your data has been breached, but you have not heard from the company you think failed to protect it, you can make a subject access request (SAR) to find out if your information was involved in a privacy violation. You can also contact the ICO if an organisation fails to respond to a SAR, or if it does not do so adequately.

KP Law is one of the most experienced multi-claimant law firms in England and Wales.

Furthermore, our data breach team boasts some of the most skilled data breach lawyers, and we are used to winning for clients against well-funded corporates and in complicated multi-claimant and group actions.

Ultimately, our team has the experience, diligence and means to fight your corner and win.


81 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DD


316-319 Cotton Exchange, Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9LQ


Two Snowhill, Birmingham, B4 6GA


3 Hardman Square, Spinningfields, Manchester,
M3 3EB

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